Vintage haul

Spent three days last week trawling through every op shop between here at New Plymouth and back again. Managed to spend more on food than goodies! Nabbed a few bargains, here is the first haul of 2015


Rainbow stairs

Yay I have finished painting, distressing and varnishing the rainbow stairs. I have been doing this on and off for a year now! They took a lot longer than anticipated and they are a lot biggerer than first glance. So glad they are finished and I can move on with my life! X



We had measuring night on Friday in my studio, getting ready for the up and coming fabric a brac.  I had the amazing job of sorting patterns into era order.  Oh that was solo much fun!

LOVE all these
LOVE all these


Dear Blog God…

Dear Blog God, Sorry I haven’t written in such a long time I have been very busy with life and stuff.   I went and saw an exhibition today of High Fructose

Pretty jolly cool.  If I had a million dollars I’d prolly spend it all on clothes, shoes and art.

I also went to see show, I wasn’t expecting ANYTHING as I had no idea about Dr Grordborts work AT ALL but was mightily impressed and it inspired me to do some paintering- which I haven’t actually started as yet.

Well Blog God, I hope this will lead you to forgive me and I shall post some more exerpts about fabulousness soon.

Big Love


I Be Trippen

I am currently obsessed I tell you, obsessed with Trippen shoes.  They are handmade in Germany by geniuses.

This blog will not contain many words as I feel it will detract from the pretty pictures.

That is all.


Pastel pink

I can remember scouring London in the early 90’s for a tub of pastel pink hair dye, could I find any anywhere? NO.  and THAT was London where you can buy anything from anybody at any time of the day and night.


When the celebs start donning it you know it’s gone mainstream.

Oh the fun I had trying to water down ‘Flamingo pink’ which was promised to magically become pastel or even  ‘lilac’ which I was  promised if I just stuck it on my hair for 20 seconds would turn out pastel pink.  Nope I ended up with bright purple hair, which was fine, just second fiddle to my long awaited holy grail of pastel pink.

Oh pastel pink hair how I have searched and searched over the years and now some 10+years later you are in.


Damn you pastel pink hair dye!

Yep I COULD even buy pastel pink hair dye at a shop up the road here in little old New Zealandtown. But now you are in, and all the cool kids are donning you I don’t wanna be like everybody else.  Should I wait until you are back out and run the risk of never finding you again? Or should I just do it anyway but wear you ‘ironically’.

This fashion stuff is tough, and now we are in a place where everything is ‘in’ and it is difficult to be ‘out’ there is no rebellious anti-fashion looks that can be worn as a finger to the sheeple that follow mindlessly.

Has Fashion become the anti-fashion?  Can you be so ahead of fashion and be so in that nobody understands what you are wearing thus making you ultra cool?  How long would your clothes last for, they would ultimately become in and you would have to immediately cast them aside to explore the next.

Are there alot of angry youth out there at the moment blending in with the fashionistas with their brightly coloured hair, having to add more piercings and tattoos to stand out from them.  Of course tattoos are very in too which just makes them blase and boring.


Yes I’m talking to YOU Barbie.

Why are we just going around in circles with fashion when we could be looking at new and exciting things?         I am tired of regurgitating the same old stuff and seeing the same things that were in 10 years ago come back in, the circles are getting so small now things are only taking  a few years to come back in *yawn*

Oh look, grunge is back in cause we couldn’t possibly think of ANYTHING else to knock up, isn’t it so new and so cool and SO rebellious?


Grunge Fashion 2012


Grunge Fashion 1990s….. no wait…..

Can we just stop buying this crap and start looking at more adventurous designers, hell even create your own master pieces, re-arrange something you already have or create something for yourself that is you, not copied or ‘inspired’ by something else.

There are a few innovators out there that are shovelling out a new and exciting fashion path for us, using different fabrics trying different techniques and coming up with untypical shapes.


Iris Van Herpen


Well done Iris, jolly good!


Gareth Pugh